Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Well I seem to have consistent timing this go round, it was exactly a year ago that I last posted on this blog. I was never able to get it to function properly with our website at, so I have given up on that. Now what I'd like to do is save a plethora of information on this blog, like aftercare suggestions, and biographical information about ANOMALY employees. Then link specifics from our website to the blog post related to that information. Surely you tech nerds out there know an easy way to do this.

Anyway, we are preparing for several things coming up: bowling event on the 28th, new year's eve on the 31st (Christmas is in there too)... so much going on and the next year will only be busier. Let's see if I can actually start using this blog for something besides complaining about never using it. I changed the layout on it today, much happier about that.

Soon we'll get it all going and linked together.

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